This is a transcript of a video-interview
1 September 2007
Hi. This is Osho, and I am here to expose sugar.
If you take sugar in and of this world, sugar is not life. Have a look: Plants, nature dies when it grows with sugar in its presence. Sugar is NOT life. Sugar has become like the 'oil' for mind consciousness systems in human beings. Sugar has become the - what do they say? -the 'replacement' for the life force essence, for the life force essence within human beings.
Hi. This is Osho, and I am here to expose sugar.
If you take sugar in and of this world, sugar is not life. Have a look: Plants, nature dies when it grows with sugar in its presence. Sugar is NOT life. Sugar has become like the 'oil' for mind consciousness systems in human beings. Sugar has become the - what do they say? -the 'replacement' for the life force essence, for the life force essence within human beings.
Sugar has become the 'replacement' for the life force essence
It is explained the following way: Mind consciousness systems in human beings suppress the life force essence as who human beings really are. And the life force essence as who human beings really are is that which give power to these mind consciousness systems within the human physical body to exist. So, with the human/with the dimensional being, within the mind consciousness system, within the human physical body, as the dimensional being as the pure life force essence given power to this mind consciousness manifestation within the human physical body to exist, this mind consciousness system derives substances from the human physical body, as well as the pure life force essence as who the dimensional being is within this that actually powers, as the mind consciousness system in the human physical body is where the mind consciousness system gains its “existence” from, gains its “power” from, to have the ability to exist.
How do you know? What is a mind consciousness system? That which thinks, that which becomes emotional, and that which feels. It is simple. So, what has sugar become? Because the mind consciousness systems, over eons of time here on Earth, have become so extensive within human beings, the mind consciousness systems have started harming the human physical body, and human beings have started to “die” quicker. What does sugar do? Sugar assist with the prolonging of life as the mind consciousness system within the human physical body.
So, what is the definition of a human being? Let me first go there. The definition of a human being is a dimensional being powering a mind consciousness system within the human physical body. So, human beings, who you really are exist within you as pure life essence, which is suppressed by mind consciousness systems.
Sugar has become that which assists the human physical body for the mind consciousness systems to exist within and to prolong human life here on Earth. Though, I have a solution! The solution is words, to disconnect the relationship with sugar and mind consciousness systems within human beings. Before taking sugar, I suggest the following is done as you take the sugar: say “I am the sweetness of life as life in me. I accept the sweetness of life as life in me.” What does these words do? These words do the following: Sugar, as it is taken, then becomes the support of your self-expression of life within you.
I am the sweetness of life as life in me
I accept the sweetness of life as life in me
Parents, I suggest you do this, as well as for your children and I’m certain they’ll enjoy that. Taking the sugar: “I accept the expression of life as life in me” and “I accept the sweetness of life as life in me.” And then, it disconnects that relationship in terms of sugar supporting mind consciousness systems' existence within the human physical body as, like, another replacement for the life force essence as the dimensional being within the mind consciousness system. It's like you have the dimensional being powering the mind consciousness system within the human physical body, then you have the sugar that is supporting the mind consciousness systems within the human physical body to “remain there.” So, every time you take sugar, correct that relationship so that sugar becomes an expression of you as you. “I accept the sweetness of life as life in me.”
Thank you very much.
This is Osho.
Equal Money
Destonian Wiki
art-picture by Joe Kou
cool blog - thanks for making the videos as transcripts available.
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