4 May 2008
Osho: Isolation
This is Osho. Isolation.
Isolation is the manifested experience within self and within your world due to and because of the belief that it is "too late". If you observe the word isolate, I-so-late, I’m so late.
The manifestation of isolation - meaning, the act of you isolating yourself and the experience of isolation - is due to and because of the belief existent within yourself that it's too late and that you've actually given up on yourself within yourself and within your world; and because of the belief of being too late, you believe that you are hopeless and helpless; and because of the hopelessness and helplessness, you give up on yourself and then isolate yourself within you and your world to retreat - meaning, to retreat within you and your world - to slowly but surely remove yourself from participation within you and your world because you have accepted and allowed yourself to define yourself upon something or someone outside of you.
Let's take an example to explain. Let's say you had a certain a task - a certain task to fulfill - and within yourself, you had a certain, particular expectation to fulfill that particular task; and because you couldn't live up to your own expectation of you with regards to fulfilling this particular, specific task, which you projected into the future, you gave up on yourself within yourself. And because you gave up on yourself and judged yourself and accepted and allowed yourself to be disappointed in you, you went into an experience of hopelessness and helplessness - meaning, the belief that it's too late, “I’ve fucked up, I cannot and will not move me/will me to fulfill the task at hand” - and then what occurs is you literally retreating inside yourself to isolating yourself actually because of fear, fear of failing again, fear of not living up to your expectations.
the first point of separation in self-dishonesty, is having an expectation within yourself
But, have a look at the interesting cycle, because the first point of separation in self-dishonesty, is having an expectation within yourself. Second point of separation in self-dishonesty is projecting something towards outside of you into the future. The third point of separation in self-dishonesty is the belief that failure exists. Failure only exists because you have a perceived expectation of yourself, because of a projection manifested within the future; and then, inevitably, disappointment will manifest within and as yourself because you didn't live up to your expectations and failed according to a belief within yourself; and then, the being disappointed within yourself because you didn't fulfill what you projected into the future of what is there to be fulfilled. And then what happens is a fear is manifested within self because you do not want to experience failure or disappointment within yourself again so, what you do is you throw your hands up in the air and just give up completely and entirely - and then the giving up you succumb to the fear within yourself and then isolate yourself within you and your world.
Second point of separation in self-dishonesty is projecting something towards outside of you into the future.
The third point of separation in self-dishonesty is the belief that failure exists.
Therefore Isolation is because of fear, fear of being existent within and as you because you believe it's too late now, I-so-late, I'm so late, It's too late, I've fucked up, it's done, I cannot do anything anymore so let me retreat within myself into isolation because I believe now it is too late, I can't do anything’.
So the manifestation within self of a “being too late” it's actually justification because the truth of the situation is that you're fearing moving yourself and willing yourself to assist and support you in expressing you in a task at hand because of fear of failure and fear of disappointment. And within this, Isolation is actually you giving up on yourself before you've even tried, before you've even actually stood up and moved yourself and directed yourself within expressing you within a particular specific experience.
So, isolation: Isolating self within self in your world is actually justification and an excuse, because you fear standing up within yourself and moving you and willing you and forcing you to express you as who you really are, because participating in isolation--“I'm so late, I'm so late, it's too late” - that entire construct is a justification and excuse, because it's never too late. You are able to, in any give moment of breath, stand up and direct and move you.
So, stop all expectations within yourself, stop all projections into the future, because these projections into the future of a specific something or someone - even of yourself that manifest expectation - if you don't live up to that manifesting failure, manifesting disappointment, manifesting fear of having to experience a disappointment and the failure of something or someone that you projected into the future even yourself and then manifesting you isolating within yourself within your world.
And realize that isolation is unacceptable. If you isolate you within yourself and your world, realize that you're justifying and excusing a fear experience within and as yourself, justifying and excusing why you're not standing up and expressing you here in every moment of breath no matter what.
No expectations. Just self, here.
Thank you very much.
This is Osho.
art-picture by Sylvie Jacobs
Thanks so much for Publishing this.
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